Specialized Tree Services

Lightning Protection: As in any injury to a tree, damage from lightning is permanent. Some trees recover, but the injury and associated decay will be a permanent fixture in the tree for the rest of its life. Trees can survive lightning strikes and remain useful trees for several more years, but the decay caused by the lightning injury generally shortens the useful life of the struck tree. Arborists adapted the principles of lightning protection for buildings to be used on trees. Not every tree is a good candidate for lightning protection, but if you have a large tree, especially one that stands out from all rest, you may want consider installing a lightning protection system.


Root Pruning: Just like the various types of crown (the above ground portion of the tree) pruning we offer, we can prune the roots of trees as well. If your tree has malformed roots or roots growing where they shouldn’t, our St. Louis tree service staff can excavate around the tree and prune roots quickly and professionally.


Soil De-compaction: One of the big challenges tree roots face in our area is trying to grow through compacted soil. We have the ability to ‘fluff’ the soil around trees without damaging the roots. We can also amend the soil with organic material at this time. This will help the soil to retain water and create a better soil structure for the roots to grow in.


Tree Injections: One of the jobs of roots is to absorb nutrients for the tree. Some soil conditions prohibit the uptake of nutrients. In this case, we can directly inject supplemental nutrients into the tree using a proven minimally invasive process.


Construction Consultation: The best way to fix construction damage is to prevent it. We can work with you and your construction company to save trees before, during, after the construction process.

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